Business Contracts


One of the common reasons why business owners end up suing or being sued by another person is because of a vague contract (or no contract at all). Business owners — contractors, restaurant owners, landscapers, landlords, among many others — should spend considerable time ensuring their rights in writing in the form of a contract before doing business with others.

Our firm provides thorough contract interpretation and review, as well as contract drafting. We transform antique legal jargon into an easy-to-read document. We also draft form contracts for businesses that engage in recurring work, like general contractors performing construction services on residential property or commercial property; just fill in the blanks, and have both parties sign.

A thorough business contract will better explain the parties’ rights and obligation, and may keep you out of court. A business contract is a must for any business, big or small.

Columbus Business Law Attorney

Business owners trust The Stavroff Law Firm with their most important contracts and agreements. Call us today for a free consultation.